"Any story you have about yourself is not the same as the unfolding reality of what you are: the ongoing life of your senses, the tenderness of your heart, the consciousness that right now is seeing or hearing these words. Yet because our beliefs are continuously filtering and interpreting reality, we mistake our stories about ourselves and the world for reality itself. Understanding 'real but not true' can free us from this prison."
— Tara Brach, Radical Compassion
Daily Reflection
Your beliefs are real. They have weight. They are shaped by your experiences, upbringing, and the influences surrounding you. Over time, these factors reinforce certain narratives, making them feel immovable—even when they may not be entirely true. They live in your body, shaping your emotions, influencing your actions, and constructing the lens through which you see the world. But the crucial question is: Are they true?
Beliefs have a way of masquerading as facts, subtly shaping how we interpret reality. Like wearing tinted glasses alters how we see the world, beliefs often color our perceptions without realizing it. You tell yourself you are not good enough, not ready, not worthy—and because you believe it, it feels real. You gather evidence to support your narrative, filtering out contradictions and reinforcing a self-imposed limitation. But pause and examine—does this belief stand up to reality? Is it an absolute truth or merely a well-rehearsed story?
Tara Brach offers a powerful distinction: Our beliefs and emotions exist, but that does not make them infallible. What you think and feel is a reflection, not a verdict. When you examine a belief, you create space for transformation. You can challenge the assumptions that keep you confined. You can choose a different reality.
Daily Inner Quest
Ask yourself: Who would I be if I didn’t believe this about myself?
Take a moment to write down your thoughts. Seeing your words on paper can help you gain clarity and begin to shift your perspective.
Your challenge today is to take a single self-limiting belief and put it on trial. Examine it as if you were an impartial observer. Is it 100% true? Is it partially true? Or is it an illusion you have accepted as fact? Reclaim your power by choosing to believe in possibilities rather than restrictions. Reality is waiting for you beyond the story you tell yourself.