Name and Honor Your Core Values
Set Your Foundation: Choose the Two Core Values That Define You
"A value is a way of being or believing that we hold most important. Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk - we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts, and behaviors align with those beliefs."
– Brené Brown, Dare to Lead
The Foundation of Your Inner Compass
Your values are the compass that directs your decisions, behaviors, and overall path in life. Without clarity on your values, it’s easy to drift, react impulsively, or make choices that lead to regret. Yet, if you were asked to name your core values right now, could you do it confidently?
In Dare to Lead, Brené Brown introduces a critical concept: "We can’t live into values that we can’t name." It’s tempting to list many admirable values—integrity, kindness, ambition, creativity, resilience—but when everything is a priority, nothing is. To truly integrate values into your life, Brown suggests identifying just two core values—the two beliefs that serve as the foundation for all others. These are the values that guide you when everything else is uncertain. They are the ones that shape your identity and help you navigate challenges with clarity and conviction.
Selecting Your Core Values
Consider the values that resonate most deeply with you. Which two values define your character? Which two provide you with direction, even in the toughest moments? These are not just words on paper—they are the values you embody through action.
Make a list. Start by brainstorming several values that feel important to you. Don’t overthink it—write down whatever comes to mind.
Narrow it down. Now, select just two. These should be the values that, if honored, create alignment in all areas of your life.
Define what they mean. What do these values look like in action? How do they show up in your daily life, career, and relationships?
Reflect. Are you living in alignment with these values? What shifts need to happen to embody them more fully?
My Personal Experience
For several years, I identified with 5-7 values, but I rarely referred to them consciously. They felt important, yet they weren’t guiding my daily decisions in a meaningful way. After reading Dare to Lead and deeply reflecting on what values truly shape my actions, I landed on curiosity and excellence. These two values now serve as my internal compass. Whenever I face a tough decision, encounter stress, or feel lost, I return to them. They provide clarity in uncertainty and help me realign with who I strive to be.
Daily Inner Quest
Your values shape your reality. Choosing two core values forces clarity, focus, and discipline in how you lead your life. What two values define who you are and guide your decisions? Name them. Own them. Live them.
What are the two values that guide you the most? I love how you broke this down in such a simple, practical way—it really makes you think about what actually drives your decisions.